Image of a teacher reading to male and female students with a white beech acres parenting center logo in the middle of the image

Beech Acres

For over 170 years, Beech Acres Parenting Center has strengthened Greater Cincinnati’s children and families. Their mission combines science and compassion to deliver innovative solutions that equip adults to meet children’s needs and cultivate their strengths.​

Web Design & Development

Circular image of a male and female couple speaking to a woman holding a clipboard with an orange and green border around the image

A Better Structure

Beech Acres partnered with Solution Agency to redesign and develop a new WordPress website that was better aligned to support their mission.

Our team worked hand in hand with theirs to rethink their current web structure and reorganize their content and navigation to provide a better online experience for their current clients.

Like theirs, our work didn’t stop there. We also provided a Digital Marketing strategy for their team post-launch and continue to work together on a monthly basis to keep their new website and mission visible to new families in need.

Mega Menu

Graphic of a computer monitor with the beech acres parenting center website displayed on the screen

Strength-Based Approach

Graphic of a computer monitor with the beech acres parenting center website displayed on the screen

Ready to Build a New Website?

Whether you’re looking for a brand new website or need a little help with a redesign to organize things better, we’ve got the solution for that. Connect with our Development team today.